Publicaties van Gerrit Bloothooft tot 2002

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Bloothooft, G. (1981). 'A computer controlled device for voice-profile registration,' Proc. IX Conference of the Union of European Phoniatricians, Amsterdam, 83-85.


Bloothooft, G. (1982). 'Nieuwe ontwikkelingen in de fonetografie,' Logopedie en Foniatrie, 54, 78-90.

Bloothooft, G. (1982). 'Estimating contributions to spectral variation in sung vowels,' Proc. 2nd Conference of the International Decade of Research in Singing, Rotterdam, 24-32.

Tiwari, R.M., Snow, G.B., Lecluse, F.L.E., Greven, A.J., and Bloothooft, G. (1982). 'Observations on surgical rehabilitation of the voice after laryngectomy with Staffieri's method,' J. of Laryngology and Otology, 96, 241-250.


Bloothooft, G., and Tiwari, R. (1983). 'Phonetograms of alaryngeal voices,' PRIPU 8.2, 24-43.

Bloothooft, G. (1983). 'Relations between vowel spaces derived from different points of view', Abstracts of the X Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Utrecht, 484.

Bloothooft, G. (1983). 'The intelligibility of sentences spoken by laryngectomees', Abstracts of the X Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Utrecht, 755.


Bloothooft, G., and Plomp, R. (1984). 'Spectral analysis of sung vowels I. Variations due to differences between vowels, singers, and modes of singing,' J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 75, 1259-1264.

Bloothooft, G., and De Boer, C. (1984). 'Measuring the intelligibility of alaryngeal speakers,' PRIPU 9.1, 24-40.

Bloothooft, G. (1984). 'De beschrijving van timbre door zangpedagogen,' Logopedie en Foniatrie 56, 6-8.


Bloothooft, G., and Plomp, R. (1985). 'Spectral analysis of sung vowels II. The effect of fundamental frequency on vowel spectra,' J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 77, 1580-1588.

Bloothooft, G. (1985). 'Akoestische eigenschappen van de professionele zangstem,' Publicatie nr. 76 van het Nederlands Akoestisch Genootschap, 11-20.

Bloothooft, G. (1985). 'De professionele zangstem,' Logopedie en Foniatrie 57, 237-242.

Bloothooft, G. (1985). 'Spectrum and timbre of sung vowels,' dissertatie, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.


Bloothooft, G., Janssen, P., and Van der Meulen, Sj. (1986). 'Expectations about monotonous speech,' PRIPU 11.1, 39-50.

Bloothooft, G., Van Breene, M., and Van der Meulen, Sj. (1986). 'Speech of patients with dysphonia: Monotony and its acoustical correlates,' PRIPU 11.1, 51-63.

Bloothooft, G., and Plomp, R. (1986). 'Spectral analysis of sung vowels III. Characteristics of singers and modes of singing,' J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 79, 852-864.

Bloothooft, G., and Plomp, R. (1986). 'The sound level of the singer's formant in professional singing', J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 79, 2028-2033.


Veenhof, T., and Bloothooft, G. (1987). 'Statistics of sequences of broad phonetic classes in newspaper Dutch,' PRIPU 12.1, 39-56.

Bloothooft, G. (1987). 'Notes on voice quality in professional singing,' J. of Research in Singing 10, 3-16.

Bloothooft, G., en van Mierlo, E. (1987). 'Bandfilter-analyse van spraak', reader colloquium Signaalanalyse en spraak, Stichting Spraaktechnologie, Amsterdam, 129-136.


Bloothooft, G. (1988). 'Zang, muzikale spraak', in: Ter sprake, samengesteld door M.P.R. van den Broecke, pp.191-199, Foris, Dordrecht.

Bloothooft, G. (1988). 'Automatische spraakherkenning', reader colloquium Signaalanalyse en spraak, 21-29, Stichting Spraaktechnologie, Leidschendam.

Bloothooft, G. and Plomp, R. (1988). 'The timbre of sung vowels', J. Acoust.Soc.Am 84, 847-860.

Bloothooft, G., Grygierczyk, N, Pollmann, M.M.W., Verpoorten, J.H. en Becking-Vos, L.E.M. (1988). 'De onderwijslast van de Faculteit der Letteren', facultaire nota, 66 pp.

Bloothooft, G., Verpoorten, J.H.,Versluijs, P.J., Pollmann, M.M.W. en Becking-Vos, L.E.M. (1988). 'Fijnmazige onderwijsfinanciering: het Module-Financieringsmodel', U en H (Universiteit en Hogeschool) 35, nr.1, 1-11.


Vernooij, G.J., Bloothooft, G. en Holsteijn, Y van (1989). 'A simulation study on the usefullness of broad phonetic classification in automatic speech recognition', Proc. ICASSP Conferentie, Glasgow, 85-88.

Vernooij, G.J., and Bloothooft, G. (1989). 'Simulation of isolated word recognition on the basis of a hierarchy of phonetic classes', Proc. Eurospeech 89, Parijs, 469-472.

Mierlo, E.J.M., Blaauw, E., and Bloothooft, G. (1989). 'Phoneme segmentation of speech, based on temporal decomposition using bandfilter spectra and phonetic rules', Proc. Eurospeech 89, Parijs, 71-74.

Bloothooft, G., Grygierczyk, N, Pollmann, en M.M.W., Verpoorten, J.H. (1989). 'De onderwijslast van de Faculteit der Letteren, berekeningen op het nivo van een onderwijsmodule', facultaire nota, 46 pp.

Bloothooft, G. (1989). 'Automatische spraakherkenning', Informatie 31, 724-730.

Bloothooft, G., Grygierczyk, N, Pollmann, en M.M.W., Verpoorten, J.H. (1989). 'Evaluatie van de onderwijslastberekening Faculteit der Letteren 1989-1990', facultaire nota, 21 pp.

Bloothooft, G., Grygierczyk, N., Klerk, P.J. de, Lustenhouwer, P. en Meeuwesse, L. (1989). 'Rapport basisontwerp onderwijs programmerings systeem ten behoeve van de Faculteit der Letteren', 82 pp.


Dix, P. and Bloothooft, G. (1990). 'A Geometrical Argument for Imposing an Additional Constraint on Temporal Decomposition', Proc. 1th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Kyoto, 41-44.


Dix, P. and Bloothooft, G. (1991). 'Segmentation of speech based upon a linear model of the effect of coarticulation' in 'Speech Recognition and Understanding', ed. by P. Laface, Springer, Berlin, 549-554.

Bloothooft, G., Bringmann, E., van Cappellen, M., van Luipen, J.M., and Thomassen, K.P. (1991). 'A phonetic study of overtone singing', Proc. XIIth Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Aix-en-Provence, V 14-17.

Bloothooft, G. en Pabon, P. (1991). 'Zangstem en Computer'. In 'Mens en stem', publicatie van de Ned. Stemstichting.

Dix, P.J., Vernooij, G.J., and Bloothooft, G. (1991). 'A hierarchical broad phonetic classification scheme', Proc. Eurospeech 91, Genua, 1269-1272.


Bloothooft, G., Bringmann, E., van Cappellen, M., van Luipen, J.M., and Thomassen, K.P. (1992). 'Acoustics and perception of overtone singing', J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 92, 1827-1836


Bloothooft, G. and Braake, D. ter (1993) (Eds.). ‘European Studies in Language and Speech’. ELSNET publication.

Dix, P.J. and Bloothooft, G. (1993). 'Segmentation by means of temporal decomposition', in 'Visual representations of speech signals', ed. by M. Cooke, S.Beet, and M. Crawford, Wiley, Chichester, 237-242.


Dix, P.J. and Bloothooft, G. (1994). 'A break-point analysis procedure based on temporal decomposition', IEEE transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 2, 9-17.

Bloothooft, G. (1994). 'Automatische familiereconstructie', Cahiers VGI (Vereniging voor Geschiedenis en Informatica', 7, 9-54. [web omzetting nog niet geheel voltooid]

Bloothooft, G. (1994). 'Corpus-Based Name Standardization', History and Computing, 6.3, 153-167.

Bloothooft,G., Bos, S., and Schaeffer, R. (1994). 'Distance metric for the perception of formant frequency differences in quiet and noise'. Presented at Workshop Psychoacoustics of Speech Perception II, Utrecht.

Bloothooft,G., Hierden, Ellen van, Nijland L. (1994). 'The perceptual vowel space at high pitches'. Voice Conference, Philapdelphia (abstract).

Bloothooft, G., de Krom, G., Jansen, S. and Heijden, A. van der (1994). 'Electroglottogram recordings during overtone singing'. Voice Conference, Philapdelphia (abstract)


Bloothooft, G. (1995). 'Multi-Source Family Reconstruction', History and Computing, 7.3, 90-103.

Bloothooft, G., Hazan, V., Llisterri, J., and Huber, D. (Eds.) (1995). 'European Studies in Phonetics and Speech Communication'. Utrecht: OTS publications. 560 pp.

Berg, L.G. van den, Bruijn, C. de, Bloothooft, G., and Krom, G. de (1995). ‘Co-modulation of F0 and formant frequencies in singing’. Proc. XIIIth ICPhS, Stockholm, I: 230-233.

Krom, G. de and Bloothooft, G. (1995). ‘Timing and accuracy of fundamental frequency changes in singing’, Proc. XIIIth ICPhS, Stockholm, I: 206-209.

Bloothooft, G. (1995). ‘Training of Phonetics and Speech Communication in Europe’. Proc. XIIIth ICPhS, Stockholm, I: 434-440.

Bloothooft, G. (1995). ‘Het zoeken van namen in historische bestanden’. In Verslag van de workshop ‘Namen in historische bronnen’, Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie, 40-47.

Bloothooft, G (1995). ‘Spraakautomatisering’, in Berg, J. van den ‘Informatietechnologie in het onderzoek in de humaniora’, in ‘Trends en Visie, Informatietechnologie in het Hoger onderwijs’, Wetenschappelijk Technische Raad SURF, Cramwickel, Amsterdam, 127-130.


Bloothooft, G. (1996). ‘Kan iemand me de geest van Socrates uitleggen?’, Transfer 3, 10, 24. [Can someone explain Socrates' spirit]

Bloothooft, G. (1996). ‘Het dansende middenrif’. Akkoord (96/5), 16-19. [The dancing diaphragm]

Bloothooft, G. (1996). ‘The landscape of future education’, ELSNews 5.4, 4-5.


Young, S. and Bloothooft, G. (eds.) (1997). ‘Corpus-Based Methods in Language and Speech Processing’, Kluwer Publishers, Dordrecht. 250 pp.

Bloothooft, G., Dommelen, W. van, Espain, C., Green, P., Hazan, V., Wigforss, E. (1997). 'The landscape of future education in Speech Communication Sciences. 1. Analysis', OTS publication, Utrecht. 160 pp.

Morris, A.C., Bloothooft, G., Barry, W.J., Andreeva, B., Koreman, J. (1997). 'Human and Machine Identification of Consonantal Place of Articulation from Vocalic Transition'. Proc. 5th Eurospeech, Rhodes, IV: 2123-2126.

Jansens, S., Bloothooft, G., Krom, G. de (1997). 'Perception and Acoustics of Emotions in Singing'. Proc. 5th Eurospeech, Rhodes, IV: 2155-2158.

Bloothooft, G. (1997). 'The Landscape of Future Education in Speech Communication Sciences'. Proc. 5th Eurospeech, Rhodes, IV: 1923-1926.

Bloothooft, G. and den Os, E.A. (1997). 'The Elsnet Olympics: Testing Spoken Dialogue Systems at Eurospeech'97'. ELSNews 6.5, 1-3.


Gerritzen, D., Bloothooft, G., van Poppel, F. en Verduin, J. (1998). 'Voornamen in de Alblasserwaard en Vijfheerenlanden (1820-1940)'. Naamkunde, 30, 1-29. [First names in the Alblasserwaard and Vijfheerenlanden (1820-1940)]

Gerritzen, D., Bloothooft, G., van Poppel, F. en Verduin, J. (1998). 'Vernoeming in de Alblasserwaard en Vijfheerenlanden (1820-1940)'. Naamkunde, 30, 153-180. [Naming after relatives in the Alblasserwaard and Vijfheerenlanden (1820-1940)]

Bloothooft, G. and Binnenpoorte, D. (1998). 'Towards a searchable resource of phonetograms'. Proceedings Voicedata98, OTS Utrecht, 112-116.

Bloothooft, G. (1998). 'A Course in SpeechMania'. ELSNews 7.1, 10.

Sevenster, B., de Krom, G., and Bloothooft, G. (1998). 'Evaluation and training of second-language learners' pronunciation using phoneme-based HMMs'. Proceedings of ESCA workshop on Speech Technology in Language Learning, Stockholm, 91-94.

Bloothooft, G. (1998). 'Assessment of Systems of Nominal Retrieval and Historical Record Linkage', Computing and the Humanities 32, 39-56.

Os, E.A. den and Bloothooft, G. (1998). 'Evaluating various dialogue systems with a single questionnaire: Analysis of the ELSNET Olympics'. Proc. Linguistic Resources and Evaluation Conference, Granada, 51-54.

Bloothooft, G. (1998). 'Beyond European cooperation in speech communication science education'. Abstracts of the Conference 'The Future of the Humanities in the Digital Age', Bergen, Norway, 99-101.

Bloothooft, G., van Dommelen, W., Espain, C., Hazan, V., Huckvale, M. and Wigforss, E. (1998). 'The landscape of future education in Speech Communication Sciences. 2. Proposals', UiL-OTS publication, Utrecht. viii+131 pp.

Bloothooft, G. (1998). 'A European Masters in Language and Speech'. Chapter 4 in Bloothooft, G. et al. 'The landscape of future education in Speech Communication Sciences. 2. Proposals', UiL-OTS publication, Utrecht, 55- 62. Also in Schröder, B., Lenders, W., Hess., W. and Portele, T. Computer Studies in Language and Speech, I, 373-380. Abridged version in ELSNews 7.4 , 1-2.

Bloothooft, G. (1998). 'Spraaktechnologie in opmars'. In Blom, E. en Jansen, A-L. (Red.) Tijdperk Taal!, HAG Den Haag, 83-91. [Speech Technology in advance]


Bloothooft, G. (1999). 'In de naam van. 1. Namen en naamdragers', LINK 10-4, 12-17. [In the name of. 1. Names and named]

Bloothooft, G. (1999). 'In de naam van. 2. Uniseksnamen', LINK 11-2, 62-66. [In the name of. 2. Unisex names]

Bloothooft, G., van Dommelen, W., Fellbaum, K., Hazan, V., Huckvale, M., Leahy, M., and Wigforss, E. (1999). 'The landscape of future education in Speech Communication Sciences. 3. Recommendations', UiL-OTS publication, Utrecht. ISBN 90-5434-071-1, viii+125 pp.

Bloothooft, G. (1999) et al. 'Internationalisation of Education in Phonetics'. Proceedings Int. Conf. Phonetic Sciences, San Francisco, 1129-1133.

Bloothooft, G., Dorssen, M. van, Koppen, K., Pabon, P. and Wijck, M. van (1999). 'On the comparison of computerised phonetograms', Proceedings Int. Conf. Phonetic Sciences, San Francisco, 1001-1004.

Bloothooft, G. and Pabon, P. (1999). 'Vocal registers revisited'. Proceedings Eurospeech'99, Budapest, 423-426.

Bloothooft, G. et al. (1999). 'A European Masters in Language and Speech', Proceedings Eurospeech'99, Budapest, 627-630.

(1999) Interview in PCM september, 38-43, 'De computer leert luisteren' [The computer learns to listen]

Bloothooft, G. (1999). 'In de naam van. 3. Bijzondere voornamen', LINK 11-3, 50-56. [In the name of. 3. Unusual surnames]

Bloothooft, G. (1999). 'In de naam van. 4. Chocolade letters', LINK 11-4, 26-34. [In the name of. 4. Chocolate letters]

Poppel, F. van, Bloothooft, G., Gerritzen, D., Verduin, J. (1999). 'Naming for Kin and the Development of Modern Family Structures: An Analysis of a Rural Region in the Netherlands in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries', The History of the Family, 4, 261-295.


Bloothooft, G. (2000). 'In de naam van. 5. Internationalisatie', LINK 12-1, 43-54. [In the name of. 5. Internationalisation]

Bloothooft, G. (2000). <'In de naam van. 6. Stammen en suffixen', LINK 12-2, 37-44. [In the name of. 6. Stems and suffixes]

Bloothooft, G. (2000). 'The role of ICT in international co-operation in Speech Communication Sciences education'. Proceedings of the JOURNEES D'ETUDES INTERNATIONALES "Les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication au service des Relations Internationales des Etablissements d'Enseignement Supérieur et de Recherche",  Nice and Sophia Antipolis, November 17, 18 and 19, 1999.

Bloothooft, G. (2000). Spraakakoestiek. Aflevering 12 in het Handboek voor Stem-, Taal- en Spraakpathologie (H.Peters et al. ed.), Bohn, Stafleu en van Loghem, Houten. 34 pp. [Speech Acoustics. Issue 12 in the Handbook of Voice, Speech- and Language Pathology]

Bloothooft, G. et al. (2000). Joint European Website for Education in Language and Speech (JEWELS)

Bloothooft, G. (2000). 'Pan-European Co-operation within the Socrates framework', in Giurgiu, M. (Ed.), Proceedings WERA workshop, Cluj-Napoca, p. 9-10.

Bloothooft, G. (2000). 'A European Masters in Language and Speech', in Giurgiu, M. (Ed.), Proceedings WERA workshop, Cluj-Napoca, 75-78.


Bloothooft, G. (2001). 'In de naam van. 7. Familienamen', LINK 12-3, 40-44. [In the name of 7. Family names]

Bloothooft, G. (2001). 'Naamgeving binnen Nederlandse gezinnen tussen 1983 en 1999', geaccepteerd voor publicatie in Naamkunde. [Naming in Dutch families between 1983 and 1999, accepted for publication]

Bloothooft, G., Wijck, M. van, and Pabon, P. (2001). 'Relations between vocal registers in voice breaks', accepted for publication in Proceedings Eurospeech'01, Aalborg.